Haveli Ram Bansi Lal
Products detail
Product Name: Hydrogen Peroxide
Product Type: Organic Chemicals and Derivatives -> Aliphatic compounds
Product spec: 99%
Post Time: 2010-07-23
Description: Hydrogen Peroxide The hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) offered by us is a pale blue liquid; this appears colorless in a dilute solution, slightly more viscous than water. It is a weak acid which is widely used in the textile industry. Its strong oxidizing properties make its perfect as a powerful bleaching agent. This is mostly used for bleaching paper, but has also found use as a disinfectant, as an oxidizer, as an antiseptic, and in rocketry (particularly in high concentrations as high-test peroxide (HTP)) as a monopropellant, and in bipropellant systems.
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